Handy Software-related Tips (Part 1)
Intro Welcome to my little website! This is my very first post. On this site I would share some interesting ‘IC-related gadgets’ that I find useful during my current work as a digital verification intern. Stay tuned for my casual scribblings if you’d like!
Overview As a hardware engineer, apart from mastering HDL like Verilog and VerilogA etc., understanding one or two software programming languages of personal preference is also important. It is agreed that when ...
Digital Verification
Digital Verification Fulltext Link Block Level Verilog Fulltext Link Display on Shell Waveform on Verdilog Cadence Fulltext Link ADE-L VerilogA Fullchip Level FPGA Configuration HqFPGA on Linux Hq ...
Verification Notes (Part 4:Fullchip Level)
The Code Slicer When dealing with a large-scale project like this, instinct tells us to split it into “bite-size” pieces. And that’s exactly how we’re gonna begin. So for starters, I wanna talk about a set of statements in Verilog commonly used as the “slicer” for huge programmes in real practice.
In this context, typically what “include” does is it extracts the text contained in the .v file and pastes it in the file where the sta ...
Netlist and VerilogA
(Does anyone know how to get syntax highlight for VerilogA in Markdown…?)Coming Soon…
Verification Notes (Part 3:Block Level-Cadence)
Coming Soon…
Verification Notes (Part 2:Block Level-Verilog)
Overview So we’re looking at a block level digital unit here, which basically means that at a conceptual level conventional methods for testing an uncomplicated electronic device apply on the nose. As we’ve been taught in digital electronics lectures, there are several ways to describe the logic functions of a digital unit: standard expressions (SOP or POS) and truth table or a sample waveform graph that demonstrates equivalent information.(To keep things simple and easy to ...
Verification Notes (Part 1:Preface)
Preface When it comes to verification for FPGA (or basically any VLSI in real practice), we’re often provided with two perspectives: block-level verification which checks the functionality of each component that constitutes the IC chip; and fullchip-level verification which examines the entire workflow of the chip. Block-level verification resembles conventional simulation for any electronic design in the industry. Meanwhile, in order to perform fullchip verification for an ...
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